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Caregiver Training Videos

Updated Beers Criteria for 2012

Posted on March 5, 2015
Topics: Medications

This video helps viewers understand and apply the 2012 Beers List of potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults to real-life situations.


Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Posted on March 5, 2015

Male sexual dysfunction can have a significant impact on adult men of all ages. When it comes to erectile dysfunction, elderly patients are no exception. This video discusses how male sexual dysfunction can affect orgasm capacity, ejaculation, libido, and the health and happiness of partners, as well as the many treatment options available.


Sugar and Spice, Not Everything's a Vice

Posted on March 3, 2015

Diabetes affects almost 26 million people in the U.S.—roughly 8 percent of the population. Based on this, caregivers of elders must understand nutrition and diabetes medications and seniors. Presented by George M. Rapier, MD, Geriatrician and the Chairman and CEO of WellMed Medical Management, this video helps caregivers make wise choices for seniors to better manage diabetes through medicine and diet. 


Strategies For Keeping Rx Costs Down (Spanish)

Posted on March 3, 2015

Medications are expensive - the presenter Augustin C. Monetmoyor  will teach you ways to keep your costs down by using formulary tools actually provided by your insurance company, learning about actual costs of medications, how they are billed, and when and why to use generics instead of brand name medications.


Strategies For Keeping Rx Costs Down

Posted on March 3, 2015

The cost of prescription medications can create tremendous hardship as people age. In this video, the presenter teaches caregivers and patients how to keep RX costs down by providing several cost-saving strategies. Viewers learn how to use a formulary, price shop medications, and access available community and government resources.


Diabetes Medications

Posted on March 2, 2015

Some people with Type 2 Diabetes can control their blood sugar with a healthy meal plan and regular exercise. But sometimes, medications are required as well. This video on diabetes medications and seniors describes the importance of taking medications as prescribed, in addition to healthy eating and exercising, in managing diabetes.


Behavioral Management in Dementia

Posted on March 2, 2015

Presenter: Dr. Thomas Weiss
If you’re taking care of someone with dementia, you know there are issues regarding behavior that can be challenging to understand and manage. In this video on behavior management dementia, Dr. Weiss walks viewers through the care and management of patients with dementia, helping caregivers understand the symptoms, epidemiology, and assessments involved. The video also offers strategies and therapies, both non-pharmacologic and pharmacotherapy, for managing the complex behaviors seen in patients with dementia.


Bad Drugs

Posted on March 2, 2015

While there aren’t necessarily bad drugs, for elderly patients there are significant risks. Medication errors and drug toxicity occur regularly in up to 59% of hospitalized patients. In addition 31% of all hospital admissions in the elderly are the result of adverse drug affects. Drug toxicity is the 4th leading cause of death ahead of pulmonary disease, motor vehicle accidents, and AIDS. This video can help caregivers and patients be safe when it comes to “bad drugs,” medication errors, and drug toxicity. 


Adult Immunizations and Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Posted on March 2, 2015

Older adults become more susceptible to serious diseases as they age. Based on this, immunizations are an important consideration for older adults and their caregivers. Some adults have never been vaccinated for vaccine preventable diseases, or if they have, the immunizations have faded over the years. Some vaccines were simply not available in the past. In this video, the San Antonio Metropolitan Health Department gives seniors and caregivers information about adult immunizations and vaccine preventable diseases.



Managing Medications and Seniors Confidently

Posted on March 2, 2015

When caring for someone elderly, understanding and managing their medications is crucial to their well-being - because often medications and seniors don’t mix. It is crucial to be aware of both the dosages, side effects, drug interactions, high risk drugs for seniors, potential complications with certain medications, including herbal supplements and over-the-counter drugs. Here, Carrie Allen, a specialist in geriatric pharmacy, helps caregivers understand polypharmacy and health to manage medications for seniors safely and with confidence.



mmLearn.org, a program of Morningside Ministries, is for educational purposes only and does not replace or supplant consultation with physicians and other healthcare professionals. mmLearn.org, its authors, presenters and consultants do not assume liability for errors or omissions