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Caregiver Training Videos

Understanding Food Labels for Good Health

Posted on March 5, 2015
Topics: Nutrition

The federal government mandates that all packaged food must have a food label. Understanding these labels is essential for good nutrition in the elderly and in people of all ages. This video teaches viewers how to read and understand food labels, and ignore manufacturer claims made on packaging as they’re going through the grocery store. The most important rule: Read it before you buy it.


Hydration/Dehydration - To drink or NOT to drink? That is NOT the question!

Posted on March 5, 2015

Presenter: Maria L. Wellisch, R.N., LNFA

Fluid intake is important for people of all ages and dehydration in the elderly is especially crucial issue. When older adults become dehydrated, they may experience muscle cramps, disorientation, confusion and many other threatening healthcare conditions. If they are severely dehydrated, they may go into shock, which can be life threatening. In this video training, caregivers will learn more about the importance of hydration and strategies to increase fluid intake for yourself and the people you care for.


Recipe: Kitchen Sink Veggie Pasta Salad

Posted on March 3, 2015
Topics: Nutrition

Presenter:  Debby Boggs, R.D.
Good nutrition in the elderly does not have to be complicated. In this video, Debby Boggs of the San Antonio Food Bank, shows how to make a nutritious and delicious veggie pasta salad with cooked whole wheat pasta filled with cheese, baby spinach loaded with fiber and Vitamin A, and two cups of any type of vegetables one has on hand. 


Healthier Communities with MyPyramid

Posted on March 2, 2015
Topics: Nutrition

MyPyramid provides a guideline for ensuring overall health and quality nutrition in the elderly. By watching this video, caregivers and seniors will become familiar with the themes presented in “Healthier Communities with MyPyramid,” including the basic food groups, physical activity, and the key messages of variety, balance, and the importance of fiber. Participants will understand how following the recommendations of MyPyramid is important for staying healthy.


mmLearn.org, a program of Morningside Ministries, is for educational purposes only and does not replace or supplant consultation with physicians and other healthcare professionals. mmLearn.org, its authors, presenters and consultants do not assume liability for errors or omissions