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Caregiver Training Videos

Signs, Symptoms and Diagnoses of Urinary Tract Infections

Posted on March 3, 2015
Topics: Senior Health

Urinary tract infections are a common issue, especially among seniors who are beginning to present with signs of dementia. In this video, urologist Dr. David Talley describes the signs, symptoms and diagnoses of urinary tract infections, with a focus on the effect of UTIs on people with dementia.


Screening for Cancer in Nursing Home Patients: Almost Always a Bad Idea

Posted on March 3, 2015

Often free online caregiver training videos can help caregivers address a number of issues related to their patients’ health and wellbeing. This is one such video that addresses the benefits and harms of cancer screening for nursing home patients. Here, viewers can learn more about the potential pitfalls of cancer testing that can include false positives, complications, and over-diagnoses. 


How to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections

Posted on March 3, 2015
Topics: Senior Health

In this video on how to prevent UTI, or urinary tract infections, Dr. Talley asserts that the solution to pollution is dilution. He encourages viewers to prevent UTIs by drinking plenty of fluids, preferably water; to not wait to empty their bladders; and to practice good hygiene and good nutrition.


Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence in Women

Posted on March 3, 2015
Topics: Senior Health

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when there is weakening of the ligaments and strong tissues that hold up a woman’s pelvic organs, and it can occur due to age, pregnancy and delivery, loss of estrogen, and doing activities over time such as chronic coughing, straining with bowel movements, or lifting heavy objects. This video provides more details about pelvic organ prolapse and what women should and could expect regarding the condition.


Parkinson's Disease: Can We Improve Function?

Posted on March 3, 2015

If you or someone you’re caring for suffers from or has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, maintaining or improving function is an ongoing challenge. This Parkinsons information video provides an overview of the condition and how visual and auditory cues can be as effective as medications in improving gait. Also discussed is how task-specific activities can also improve gait, as well as flexibility, function, and balance. 


Grandma Won't Brush! Daily Oral Care for the Frail Elderly

Posted on March 2, 2015

The frail elderly are functionally dependent on others and have multiple chronic diseases, disabilities, or other impairments. These limitations can complicate routine dental care and hygiene, and add to the common concern of how to get elderly to brush. This video explains how increased medical problems and decreased abilities to tolerate dental care can affect the health of seniors.


Doctor Talk: Making the Most of Your Doctor Appointment

Posted on March 2, 2015

As caregivers, getting the most out of an elderly doctor appointment is very important. This video helps us examine the approach to our appointment. We all want our doctors to be attentive and good listeners and, by all means, have a “good bedside manner.” Yet, we need to question what we are doing to make the best of the precious office time. With this video, caregivers and patients can learn how to utilize face-to-face time with their doctors more efficiently. 


Doctor and Patient Communication - How to Talk to Your Doctor

Posted on March 2, 2015

During an elderly doctor appointment, the communication gap can be the most serious and significant stumbling block to a healing relationship between doctor and patient -- 75% of diagnosis rests on the history you give the doctor. Because appointments with doctors can often seem rushed or confusing, a doctor's perspective on how to get the most out of each visit with your physician can help. This video explains what information to convey and the questions to ask to break the communication gap and ensure the best health and care for the senior in your life. 


Constipation and the Elderly: The Scoop on Poop

Posted on March 2, 2015

Presenter: Dr. David Smith
Constipation and the elderly: It’s a topic that Dr. Oz and even Oprah have tackled. Here, Dr. Smith discusses constipation in older adults and what’s important to understand about caring for people with constipation. This is a presentation that every family member and nurse will want to watch. Learn about the general causes, drug causes, and psychiatric/psychological causes of constipation, along with the classifications of constipation, risk factors, and conditions that affect it. Dr. Smith also reviews treatments to help people handle this uncomfortable condition.


Common Oral Problems in the Frail Elderly

As they age, it is common for older adults to stop maintaining daily oral care. In addition, many seniors suffer dry mouth due to medications, collect bacteria, and have chronic inflammation of their teeth. On top of this there are often contributing factors of soft-food, high-carb diets, along with aging fillings, crowns, and root canals. In this video, Dr. Dirks describes geriatric dentistry, basic oral care techniques, and some basic tips for how to get elderly to brush.


Brain Fitness

Posted on March 2, 2015

Brain fitness is similar to physical fitness. Just as physical activity can improve physical health, brain exercises can improve cognitive ability and prevent the decline in cognitive health as we age. Brain fitness is defined as the brain’s ability to perform at normal or above normal levels. This video provides an overview of the latest research in cognitive health in older adults and provides insights on how to keep the brain engaged as we age and encourage the all important brain plasticity.


Bad Drugs

Posted on March 2, 2015

While there aren’t necessarily bad drugs, for elderly patients there are significant risks. Medication errors and drug toxicity occur regularly in up to 59% of hospitalized patients. In addition 31% of all hospital admissions in the elderly are the result of adverse drug affects. Drug toxicity is the 4th leading cause of death ahead of pulmonary disease, motor vehicle accidents, and AIDS. This video can help caregivers and patients be safe when it comes to “bad drugs,” medication errors, and drug toxicity. 


mmLearn.org, a program of Morningside Ministries, is for educational purposes only and does not replace or supplant consultation with physicians and other healthcare professionals. mmLearn.org, its authors, presenters and consultants do not assume liability for errors or omissions