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Caregiver Training Videos

Combating Loneliness in Seniors

Presenter:  Dr. Thomas Weiss, Geriatric Psychologist

Loneliness can be described as the discrepancy between a person's desired and actual social relationship. It's a unique situation in which a person perceives themselves to be socially isolated even when among other people. This condition causes a person to be irritable, depressed, self-centered, and can lead to a 29% increase in premature mortality. It's estimated that 1/3 of the population suffers from loneliness and is especially prevalent among seniors.

Dr. Weiss's presentation will help you to better understand this widespread condition with the following information:

  • How to Diagnose Loneliness
  • The Risk Factors 
  • Health Effects 
  • The Biology of Loneliness
  • Treatment Options 

"Loneliness breaks the spirit." - Jewish Proverb


A Discussion on Alzheimer's Research

Presenter:  Dr. George Perry, PhD

It's not often that we get to sit down with someone who is actually conducting Alzheimer's research. We were privileged to have an opportunity to sit down with Dr. George Perry, UTSA Dean of College of Sciences and Professor of Biology, Semmes Foundation Distinguished Chair in Neurobiology and talk about the Alzheimer's research he is doing. 

These are just a few of the questions he answered during our interview: 

  • Do we know what causes Alzheimer's disease?
  • What are the correlations between diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices play who is a potential to develop Alzheimer's?
  • What is the possibility of finding a vaccine for Alzheimer's disease?
  • What affects do the current medications have on the disease? 
  • What kind of research is currently being done at UTSA?
  • What is the process of approval for a drug?
  • Why do you think early detection of Alzheimer's is critical?
  • What screening tools are used to detect Alzheimer's disease?
  • Do you see progress being done to reverse Alzheimer's disease?


Seniors and the Side Effects of Psychotropic Medications

Posted on February 6, 2018

Presenter: Carrie Allen, PharmD, CGP

Older adults are highly vulnerable to the adverse effects of psychotropic medications which are commonly used to manage behavior and psychiatric symptoms. This video presented by Carrie Allen, a Certified Geriatric Pharmacist covers:

  • What are "psychotropic" medications?
  • Why are older adults at a higher risk for side effects?
  • What are the primary classes of psychotropic medications?
  • Common side effects of anti-psychotics, antidepressants, anti-anxiety, mood stabilizers, sedatives and stimulants.
  • What is psychosis?

This is a must watch for anyone caring for an older adult who has been prescribed psychotropic medications. 


Hidden Heroes: One Couple's Caregiving Story

Posted on January 24, 2017

Hidden Heroes brings vital attention to the untold stories of military caregivers and seeks solutions for the tremendous challenges and long-term needs they face.  This is the caregiving story of Roxana and Victor.  In 2009, Roxana's suddenly became a caregiver for her husband Victor when he was in a vehicle that was hit by an explosive formed projectile. He sustained a moderate TBI along with other injuries. During his two and a half year rehabilitation, Roxana and Victor identified gaps in the healthcare system surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of TBIs. With Roxana's research background in health sciences, they worked to shape new military healthcare policies.

Roxana Delgado, an Elizabeth Dole Foundation Fellow, is committed to expanding medical research in the military community.


Understanding PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Posted on January 18, 2017

Presenter: Dr. Thomas Weiss
Caring for someone who is suffering from PTSD is difficult at best. PTSD is a serious condition that can develop after a person has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. This disorder can have significant impact on functioning and quality of life, and it should be diagnosed and treated according to the best available evidence. In this presentation Navy Reserve Psychiatrist, Dr. Thomas Weiss, discusses the physiology, symptoms, diagnostics and treatments of PTSD and will help you to understand the disorder and allow you to better care for your loved one.


Substance Abuse in the Elderly (Subtitles in Spanish)*

Posted on March 3, 2015

Presenter: Dr. Thomas Weiss
In this informative video addressing substance abuse and the elderly, Dr. Thomas Weiss explains several points including how addiction can affect people of all ages, and how few people realize the true extent of substance abuse by the elderly. He asserts that regardless of age, substance abuse must be considered a major cause of emotional and physical disability.

*To access the Spanish Subtitles – Please Click Here


Q&A on Loss And Grief

Posted on March 3, 2015

This video presents a follow-up question and answer session to Part 1 of Grief and Loss. Here, Nancy Reeves, PhD, a clinical psychologist, spiritual director, and author specializing in trauma and elderly loss and grief, responds to questions from participants. 


Grief and Loss

Posted on March 3, 2015

For people of all ages and especially the elderly, loss and grief are holistic. They can result in suffering that is physical, mental, emotional. If not dealt with holistically, pain can be pushed inward, creating anger and bitterness. As caregivers, we must connect emotionally with the people we care for, and especially with dealing with elderly loss and grief. We must provide care that incorporates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual components. Presented by a spiritual director and author who specializes in trauma, grief, and loss, this video explains how to create holistic care plans so loss and grief can be worked through, and do not become an “expensive emotion.”


Living in a Nursing Home: A New Beginning

Posted on March 3, 2015

When people are put in a situation where they must leave the homes they know and move into a one-bedroom apartment or room in assisted living, everything takes on a new significance. There is a tremendous loss, and for many, a sense that a nursing home is the last resort. But that simply isn’t so. This video depicts “Living in a nursing home: A new beginning,” and how people in nursing homes can live productive, happy lives. 


Dignity First Introduction to Caregiver Stress Modules

Posted on March 2, 2015

In this introduction, Dr. Beth Goethe and Dr. Martha E. Leatherman help caregivers address the common question of “How do I get rid of caregiver stress?” Together, they explain what caregiver stress is, how to identify it, and how to manage it. They provide specific ways to alleviate the guilt and anxiety that can make stress worse and to slow down and find time for you.


Brain Fitness

Posted on March 2, 2015

Brain fitness is similar to physical fitness. Just as physical activity can improve physical health, brain exercises can improve cognitive ability and prevent the decline in cognitive health as we age. Brain fitness is defined as the brain’s ability to perform at normal or above normal levels. This video provides an overview of the latest research in cognitive health in older adults and provides insights on how to keep the brain engaged as we age and encourage the all important brain plasticity.


Behavioral Management in Dementia

Posted on March 2, 2015

Presenter: Dr. Thomas Weiss
If you’re taking care of someone with dementia, you know there are issues regarding behavior that can be challenging to understand and manage. In this video on behavior management dementia, Dr. Weiss walks viewers through the care and management of patients with dementia, helping caregivers understand the symptoms, epidemiology, and assessments involved. The video also offers strategies and therapies, both non-pharmacologic and pharmacotherapy, for managing the complex behaviors seen in patients with dementia.


mmLearn.org, a program of Morningside Ministries, is for educational purposes only and does not replace or supplant consultation with physicians and other healthcare professionals. mmLearn.org, its authors, presenters and consultants do not assume liability for errors or omissions