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Caregiver Training Videos

Relajación Guiada

Presenter: Nancy Rosana Zalazar

Sky Mediation - Guided RelaxationThe presenter explains the many benefits associated with meditation and guided relaxation. She will then walk you through a guided relaxation exercise to help you calm your mind and reduce...

Diabetes, Kidney Disease and Dialysis

In this video Dr. Srinath K. Tamirisa, Kidney and HTN Specialist will cover the relationship beween diabetes and kidney disease as well as:

  • The different types of diabetes.
  • What happens when you have a high sugar level.
  • How diabetes causes kidney damage.

Living with Heart Failure Module 1: Identifying the Problem

 In Living with Heart Failure Module 1: Identifying the Problem, Beverly Tuomala, BSN, RN, CHFN, Heart Failure Nurse answers these questions and more: 

  • What is heart failure?
  • What causes heart failure?
  • How is heart failure diagnosed?
  • What does heart...

Living with Heart Failure Module 2: Medications and Therapies

In Living with Heart Failure Module 2: Medications and Therapies, Beverly Tuomala, BSN, RN, CHFN, Heart Failure Nurse will help you to understand the complex medications used to treat heart failure as well as various therapies available to those living...

Living with Heart Failure Module 3: Sodium/Fluid Restriction

 In Living with Heart Failure Module 3: Sodium/Fluid Restriction, Beverly Tuomala, BSN, RN, CHFN, Heart Failure Nurse explains why sodium and fluid restriction is so important to those suffering from heart failure. She will also answer the following...

Living with Heart Failure Module 4: Putting It All Together

 In Living with Heart Failure Module 4: Putting It All Together, Beverly Tuomala, BSN, RN, CHFN, Heart Failure Nurse recaps the other three modules: Identifying the Problem, Medications and Therapies, Sodium/Fluid Restrictions and gives you practical...

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using a Shoe Shine Box

Coming up with age appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age appropriate activity using a shoe shine box. This is a great activity for family caregivers who are caring for someone...

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using Tupperware

Coming up with age appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age appropriate activity using Tupperware. This is a great activity for family caregivers who are caring for someone at...

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using a Pocketbook

Coming up with age appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age appropriate activity using a pocketbook. This is a great activity for family caregivers who are caring for someone at...

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using Dolls

Coming up with age appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age appropriate activity using dolls. This is a great activity for family caregivers who are caring for someone at home,...

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using a Tool Box

Coming up with age appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age appropriate activity using a tool box. 

Activities for Someone with Dementia Using Silverware

Coming up with age-appropriate activities that give dementia patients purpose and meaning is difficult. This video offers a simple age-appropriate activity using silverware. This is a great activity for family caregivers who are caring for someone at...

mmLearn.org, a program of Morningside Ministries, is for educational purposes only and does not replace or supplant consultation with physicians and other healthcare professionals. mmLearn.org, its authors, presenters and consultants do not assume liability for errors or omissions