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Caregiver Training Blog

Healthcare: Beyond Death Panels

beyond death panelsDuring this year of political debates, elections and unending speeches, it may be difficult to remember some of the assertions made just a few years ago about death panels.  You may recall the fire storms ignited with the suggestion that the government would set up boards to determine whether seniors and the disabled were worthy of care.  What was especially troublesome and frightening for the elderly and their caregivers was the idea of death panels or rationing to control healthcare costs.  With all the rhetoric and accusations from one side to the other, the average person probably found these claims difficult to understand.

The cost of healthcare, especially for the elderly and for end of life care, is certainly an issue that has huge ramifications for the growing number of seniors in this country and one that will continue to plague us long after all the political speeches have died down.   If you are a caregiver for a family member or friend, it is so important to seek out the latest and most reliable information about healthcare and how the costs and benefits will have an effect on your loved ones.

mmLearn is committed to providing training done by experts in the field of aging to assist the caregiver of older adults to make informed and knowledgeable decisions when it concerns their wellbeing.  We are delighted to offer this informative webcast “Healthcare: Beyond Death Panels” by Howard Brody, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas.  Dr. Brody’s straight forward, statistically driven presentation will provide you with an eye-opening view of the current health system and what may be in store for the future.