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Caregivers of Older Adults Blog | Grief & Loss

Recognizing and Coping with Anticipatory Grief

By mmLearn.org on Fri, Oct 15, 2021 @ 09:00 AM

Topics: Grief & Loss

No one lives forever.

But it’s so hard to let go. Losing a loved one can be one of the most devastating events in our lifetime.

But your relative is sitting right next to you. Why do you feel so sad/angry/confused?

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How to Help Seniors Cope with the Loss of a Spouse

By mmLearn.org on Tue, Jun 09, 2020 @ 08:00 AM

Losing a loved one is one of the hardest parts of life, and it can lead to depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and even substance abuse. Seniors face the death of a spouse more than any other age group. Learning to live without their life partners might feel impossible at first. Grief can be overwhelming, even when it is not a surprise. In addition to sadness and crying, aging adults in the midst of bereavement might

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Expert Interview Series: Monica Do Coutto Monni of Near North Palliative Care Network About Hospice and End-of-Life Care

By mmLearn.org on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:10 PM

Monica Do Coutto Monni is the executive director of Near North Palliative Care Network, a non-profit organization which provides one-stop palliative care, bereavement and grief, and end-of-life free volunteer-based services and training in Northern Ontario. We had a chance to talk with Monica about how our culture views end-of-life issues and why quality hospice and palliative care are becoming more important as the population ages.

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Thought Leader Series: The Process of Dying, A Guide For Caregivers of Older Adults

By mmLearn.org on Fri, Aug 19, 2016 @ 02:30 PM

Stephan Baldwin is the Director of Business Development for AssistedLivingCenter.com, a resource for senior care communities.

More than likely, if you're reading this, you are a caregiver for an elderly loved one who is nearing the end of their life. Unless you are a professionally trained nurse, you've probably never done this before. It is normal to feel scared, confused, even a little angry or resentful.

The end of life experience is different for everyone. This guide was written to help you navigate common issues and concerns that many people face as a caregiver. 

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What is an End-of-Life Doula?

By mmLearn.org on Wed, Jul 13, 2016 @ 12:20 PM

When most people hear the word "doula," they think of mothers, babies and childbirth. However, a growing group of healthcare professionals and volunteers are choosing to specialize in a very different -- and yet equally important -- area of practice: end-of-life care. Read on to learn more about "death doulas," along with the invaluable services they provide to the dying and their families.

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Helping a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Cope with Grief

By Maria Villeza on Fri, Jan 08, 2016 @ 09:51 AM

Coping with grief, especially over the loss of a beloved person in our lives, is a difficult process for everyone. But for our loved ones who have Alzheimer’s disease, the struggle can be even greater. Because the illness includes symptoms such as memory loss, confusion and difficulty recognizing even close family members and friends, the simple comprehension that a loved one has passed away adds a complex layer to an already unimaginable time for both the Alzheimer’s victim and those closest to them.

Dealing with loss is a different experience for everyone, regardless of their health condition. But there are some ways you may be able to help your loved one with Alzheimer’s handle her heartache in as healthy a manner as possible. Here are a few tips on helping them cope:

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Caregiver Help: Understanding Grief and Loss

By mmLearn.org on Wed, Mar 18, 2015 @ 02:54 PM

Grief is a fact of life: nearly everyone has to deal with loss during their lifetime. Grief doesn't just pertain to the death of a loved one, it can occur in response to the loss of anything dear to a person -- from a family pet to a job, to divorce or the loss of a home. Unfortunately, seniors are particularly vulnerable to grief...and its complications.

While grief is natural, it's also largely individualistic: there's no right or wrong way to grieve, although some methods can help the grieving process while others can hinder it. If your aging loved one is experiencing the sadness associated with loss, here are some things you can do to help facilitate the grieving -- and healing -- process.

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